The Moon
The moon
The moon is so important to humanity, you know? the Moon affect the tides because it gravity, the moon as well as Earth an the Sun have gravity, the sun gravity keep the solar system maintain together, Earth gravity dont let us fly, meanwhile The moon gravity control the tides and make high tides.
Let me told you a fun fact, the moon each day move away from earth, each year approximately , and off course that will affect our tides.
One fun fact is that the Chibchas (a Colombian tribu) called the Moon Chía, that sound similar because it is the name of a place on Colombia, they called Chía, Chía because it was commemorating how the first civilization of Colombia called the Moon.
Why do the moon change shape? actually, the moon is always a sphere, and the moon doesn't give us light it is the sun, When the Moon appears the sun reflects light on it in different angles so we can see some times the Moon full because the sun is reflecting all the Moon. The lights that we saw in the moon is also the sun reflection.
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